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Newtown Neighbourhood Centre

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Newtown Neighbourhood Centre


Support Newtown Neighbourhood Centre, Westpac Foundation's community partner, to help to raise funds to provide direct assistance for people who are or are at risk of homelessness and social isolation. We're aiming to raise $2000 (including matching gifts).


  • Your $25 donation will buy a coffee and a muffin and support for someone in need.
  • Your $50 donation will help enable more affordable housing to address the growing problem of homelessness in the Inner West.
  • Your $100 donation will help one homeless person find an appropriate place to live.


Newtown Neighbourhood Centre (NNC) exists to create a more inclusive, resilient, vibrant and self-reliant community. We are a not-for-profit incorporated association serving Sydney’s inner western suburbs. Our vision is to achieve a just community that includes and acts. We provide direct assistance for people who are the most vulnerable - people who are at risk of homelessness and social isolation. We also create opportunities for the whole community to take action to address these issues.


How Westpac Group employees can donate


Payroll Giving
Select the DONATE via your PAY above - choose Westpac from the drop down list and sign into Good2Give (Westpac's workplace giving provider) - to make your donation directly from your next pay and it will be immediately matched through Westpac Group's Matching Gifts program.


Credit Card or PayPal (for contractors and non-Westpac supporters)
Alternately, you can select the DONATE tab above and donate via credit card or PayPal


If you have friends or family who would like to donate, just share this page and they can also donate by credit card and PayPal.


Thank you for your support!

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Newtown Neighbourhood Centre

We exist to provide direct assistance for people who are the most vulnerable, with a particular focus on those at risk of social isolation and homelessness. 
We meet people where they are at. Helping people access the programs and services they need, as well as supporting them to get on a pathway to a better future. 
We know that making a real difference also means working with the whole community to try and address the causes of social disadvantage and isolation. 
We are also continually working to maintain the vibrant, quirky, inclusive feel of Newtown through creative social and cultural events and initiatives.

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